“KNOW YOUR CHILD “– Workshop
The personality of a Child is primarily an outcome of his genetics or the environment around. The ratio is put at 49percent in favour of heredity & 51percent to the environment. Genetics is something over which you may not have any control, but as parents you can provide the necessary environmentfor your child to flourish.
By environment, I mean not the weather conditions, but the surroundings conducive for their growth & development. Whether they turn into an asset or a liability for the family or the world depends on the conditions furnished to them during their formative years. The circumstances at home & school largely determine what is going to hold ground in their subconscious mind. Because what goes in, eventually comes out. Negativity in, Negativity out. Positivity in, Positivity out.
So, utmost care be taken by the parents in selecting the school for the child. The foundation for his future will be laid in the corridors of this arena. Selecting a school without a proper survey is the biggest mistake a parent can make. Also, as schools setting utopian parameters like reciting few poems, identifying few objects as selection criterion is being too harsh for a toddler. The schools aren’t places for cramming & mugging but are temples of learning. Emphasis on an all-round development of a child should be their prerogative, not enforcement of the rote culture. Creativity should take precedence over cramming.A school that believes in subjective testing, not objective testing of the child should be a preferred choice of the parents. A school that balances the sports & sciences with arts & humanities can do more justice to the overall personality of a child.
The parents must play an active role in the curriculum designing of the school while maintaining a regular interaction with the teachers & the school authorities. A consistent parent participation brings about better results in terms of understanding the needs & requirements of their kids. Also, parents should offer sharing of their skills & talents with the school. This way the children can enhance their learning further in particular fields & have a first-hand glimpse of various professions & streams.
The role of parents at home too is detrimental to the psychology of the child. The attitude of parents towards each other is very intimately observed by the child. Being a blank slate, the impressions at home get indelibly etched onto the child’s subconscious, having its ramifications later in life. So, maintaining an atmosphere of congeniality & cordiality at home makes for healthy psyches. Whereas a quarrelsome, tense family life imbues feelings of distrust & fear in the child.
Parents too must closely watch the talents & skills of their child. In the present era, obsession with safe & secure professions is a thing of the past. The world is shifting towards robotics & artificial intelligence, putting an end to various jobs & careers, while creating a wealth of opportunities. So as parents we must be watchful of the kids’ field of interest, as his likelihood of being a leader in that are multifold. Punishment for not excelling in the classroom should be avoided at all costs. Look for their area of gifting not area of lagging. That would result in Superkids-raring to conquer the Universe.
The programme highlights –
1. Do’s & Don’ts of Parenting
2. Principles of Upbringing
3. Role of Nurture vs Nature
4. Knowing the strengths & weaknesses of your child
5. Methods of developing Extraordinary Qualities in kids
6. Selecting the right School
7. Coordinating with the school in creating the right atmosphere
8. Abstaining from Abusive or Physical punishment
9. Leading & Reinforcing by example
10. Establishing rapport & open-ended communication under all circumstances.
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