Emotional mastery is the key to living a life that you aspire & desire. The capacity to have absolute control over what you feel every single moment, no matter what happens around you is one of the most important skill sets you can acquire.
Howsoever you feel in the present is not something forced upon you, but it comes, because you’ve chosen to feel that way. There are three forces in the world that determine the way you feel. Together, they create every emotional state in the body & mind. To master your emotions and consciously choose the one’s you wish to experience, you need to understand this triad and use it to your advantage.
#1: Physiology
Emotion is created by motion. Whatever you’re feeling right now is directly related to how you’re using your body. If you slump your shoulders and lean your head forward, you’ll move toward a state of depression. However, the next time you find yourself in a negative state, stand up, throw your shoulders back and take a few deep breaths. You’ll find that you’re able to put yourself in a resourceful state. From this state, you can make stronger decisions and enjoy a sense of certainty that will keep you calm in the face of uncertainty.
#2: Language
Language comes in many forms, one of which includes the questions you ask yourself, either aloud or inside your head. If you ask, “Why does this always have to happen to me?” you’ll create a much different set of emotions than if you asked, “How can I benefit from this?” or “Where’s the gift in this?” or “What’s humorous about this?”
The language patterns you run play a significant role in the meaning you give a situation—and the emotion that situation creates in you. When you feel negative emotions taking over, look at the language surrounding your situation. How can you shift it to create a more empowering state? Use of positive terminology ushers in leadership & inspiration to act.
#3: Focus
Where focus goes, energy flows. And where energy flows, whatever you’re focusing on grows. In other words, your life is controlled by what you focus on. That’s why you need to focus on where you want to go, not on what you fear. When you next find yourself in a state of uncertainty, resist your fear. Shift your focus toward where you want to go, and your actions will take you in that direction. A clear goal gives you the drive & motivation to execute.
Understanding and influencing your Triad is the first step toward emotional mastery. When you can influence your emotions using the Triad, you can choose to spend more time in positive, resourceful emotional states. From these states, you’ll make the decisions that will help you reach your highest potential and enjoy your life in every moment.
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