The word perfection never exists in this world. What is perfect today would become imperfect or not so perfect the next day. The very moment an art, technique or skill is bettered, the so-called perfection disappears, it vanishes inthin air. We now have a product which is superior & innovative to its predecessor. A service that is faster, cheaper & more effective than the way it was delivered previously.
So, perfection is just a matter of time. It eclipses into oblivion the instant we get something that provides an easier solution to a problem. While, IBM’s huge computers were the rule of the day once, the advent of smaller desktops eclipsed their perfection. The desktops ultimately got overshadowed by the laptops, soon to be trounced by the ipod and the iPhone which were far more compact, user friendly and versatile in usage.
How on earth such masterpieces could have been built, had someone not tried at the first place. The world would still have been a jungle, had it not been for the few brave hearts. The bold thought of solutions and tried to overcome difficulties. They then improvised the methods and achieved better outcomes in their next attempts. They had the motivation to persevere again & again without the fear of failure. They took cues, learning experiences from every loss. They had the leadership instinct that made them bounce back off each setback. They coached & mentored themselves to keep up the ante till the game was won.
Nature offers so many examples that nothing worthwhile can be accomplished without taking the leap of faith. The Eagle’s children are too small to fly, and the dangers of their being gobbled up by the predators are real, nevertheless the mother eagle gives them a push out of their nest, as failure to do so would never make them learn how to fly. So, she kicks them from their protected havens & once by themselves, they learn to fly & be on their own. Waiting till they matured would have been a wait till eternity.
Our obsession with being perfect before taking the plunge is filled with the postponement of our objectives. We keep waiting in the wings, not taking the first step, fearing fall.We do not dive in the water for fear of drowning. We do not move our butt, imagining threats. So, waiting till you become perfect at something is a wait for the impossible. The strategy should be to focus and aim, then adjust according to the target, whether to aim high or low. Continuing to contemplate and meditate, but never taking a shot is the greatest cause of all miseries and disappointments in life. Self-inspiration & awareness to utilise the present moment to its maximum eliminates inertia & creates massive momentum.“DO IT NOW” rather than I will do it someday is the golden rule.
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